3PAR-8200-01 cli% showvv
---Rsvd(MB)---- -(MB)--
Id Name Prov Type CopyOf BsId Rd -Detailed_State- Adm Snp Usr VSize
1 .srdata full base --- 1 RW normal 0 0 61440 61440
0 admin full base --- 0 RW normal 0 0 10240 10240
7 ESXi-POOL-01-R6-1T full base --- 7 RW normal 0 0 1048576 1048576
8 ESXi-POOL-03-R6-768G full base --- 8 RW normal 0 0 786432 786432
9 ESXi-POOL-02-R6-1T full base --- 9 RW normal 0 0 1048576 1048576
5 total 0 0 2955264 2955264
ESXi-POOL-02-R6-1T - имя расширяемого VV
1T - Добавляемый объем к VV, т.е. в итоге получим 2T VV
3PAR-8200-01 cli% growvv "ESXi-POOL-02-R6-1T" 1T
Warning: Exporting volumes larger than 2TiB requires special handling by the host.
Are you sure to continue?
select q=quit y=yes n=no: y
3PAR-8200-01 cli% help growvv